Got A Swarm
Got A SwarmThis link will help identify bees and wasps Do you have a swarm of bees on your property? A swarm is a large group of worker honeybees with a queen looking for a new home. There are several reasons why honeybees swarm but it mainly comes down to a basic survival instinct where the bees reproduce at the colony level thereby creating two or more colonies from one. Bees in a swarm are generally docile and not inclined to sting or attack, and will usually leave within a few days to find a more permanent location. If they are wasps or bumble bees they will disappear with the first frost. Before you contact the association please take a moment to check out the following link to see if your problem is with honey bees, bumble bees or wasps. Identification Website DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE BEES YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED BEEKEEPER! |